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Page 18 -21 in the Realism Challenge by Mark Crilley

Using an ordinary white eggshell, make a hole in both edges and blow the egg out of the hole. Wash the eggshell out and then crack it. You can crack it however you feel best but take into consideration that more pieces will require more detail and time. 

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STEP 1 - Contours 

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•Replicate the egg outlines (contour) is exactly the same size. Note the shapes of the egg pieces and the cracks

•Spend 60% of your time looking at the egg shapes and contours. Spend the other 40% drawing the contours.

•Draw lightly and with light pressure.

•Draw light until you get it right! You may need to erase some lines later.

•This step is crucial to get right as it can mess up the rest of the steps. So take your time to get this right.


STEP 3 -Shadow

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•Observe the shadows on the outer part of the egg. 

•Using a grey pencil capture these gradients. 

•Remember to leave white areas to create three-dimensionality.

•Carefully and slowly build the colour up in your drawing.  

•If you are right-handed work from the top left to the lower right (the opposite approach for left-handed). This will avoid smudging

STEP 5 -Drop shadow

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•Some drop shadows may be dark and sharply defined. 

•Some may have a grey band on the outer edges of the shadow

•Look at how much darker it is (if it is) closer to the edges and moves to bands of light grey

•Carefully observe the shadows and build up the dark colour with a dark grey pencil. 

•Pay attention to the surface of the shell as these may need some finer light grey shadows. 

STEP 6 - Polishing 

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•Look over your piece and go over sections that need extra care and attention

•The more times you do this the better your finished piece will look

STEP 2 -Shadows

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•Observe the interior shadows. 

•Using a grey pencil start shading. Remember that it is a grey gradient and not one solid colour.

•Varying gradients are essential for creating the three-dimensionality


STEP 4 - Shading 

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•Observe the outer eggshells patterns of grey and white.

•Observe any subtle changes and variations in gradations from white to grey

•Use careful circular motions with light pencils

•Work the surface in careful circle motions until you have various colour shifts

•These tiny details make all the difference in the end

•Remember to leave white areas to create three-dimensionality.

•Carefully and slowly build the colour up in your drawing.  

STEP 6 -Drop Shadow 

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•Observe where the egg casts its darkest shadow

•Look where the drop shadow is narrower than the thicker parts of the drop shadow.

•Using a black pencil carefully add in the small hints of black shadows. Be careful not to overwork the black. 



The Finished Piece

Congratulations you have completed the third Realism Challenge.

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Screenshot 2019-11-20 at 6.34.32 AM.png
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