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Page 10 -12 in the Realism Challenge by Mark Crilley

Starting on something simple but challenging.  You will be focusing only on getting the shape correct and rendering the shadows



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STEP 1 - Contours 

•Use a ruler to measure the torn piece of paper to ensure the outlines (contour) is exactly the same size.

•Draw lightly and with light pressure.

•Draw light until you get it right! You may need to erase some lines later

Screenshot 2019-11-19 at 3.54.35 PM.png

STEP 3 - Edges

•Look at the edges and for where the shadow is narrower than the thicker parts of the edges

•Look for if the edge breaks into seperate parts

•Look at how much darker it is (if it is) closer to the edges

Screenshot 2019-11-19 at 3.58.09 PM.png

STEP 5 - Surface

•Vary the surface area of the paper

•Use careful circular motions with a light grey

•Work the surface in careful circle motions until you have various colour shifts

Screenshot 2019-11-19 at 4.13.24 PM.png

STEP 2 -Shadows

•Locate for the light source

•Look for the shadow that has been cast by the paper edges

•Using a combination of black and silver pencils add a sliver of darkness

•The shadow will have many shades of black and grey. Being darker in one area to lighter in one area

• Rendering the changes in shades and highlights is essential for realism 


Screenshot 2019-11-19 at 3.58.09 PM.png

STEP 4 - Shadows

• Work on the larger softer shadows now

•Gradually blending from black to grey

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STEP 6 - Polishing 

•Look over your piece and go over sections that need extra care and attention

•The more times you do this the better your finished piece will look

Screenshot 2019-11-19 at 4.13.24 PM.png

The Finished Piece

Congratulations you have completed the first Realism Challenge.

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Screenshot 2019-11-19 at 4.18.08 PM.png
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